The Trials & Tribulations

The Trials & Tribulations

Candle making, like any craft or hobby, comes with its own set of trials and tribulations. While it can be rewarding and enjoyable, there are some challenges that we have encountered:

Safety Concerns

Working with hot wax and open flames can be hazardous. The risk of burns and fire accidents is real, especially if proper safety measures are not followed. It's essential to use the right equipment, handle hot wax carefully, and work in a well-ventilated area.
hot candle wax being poured in to metal pitcher
Consistency in Quality

Achieving consistent results with each candle can be challenging. Factors such as the type of wax, fragrance, color, and cooling time can all impact the final product. Candle makers often experiment with different formulas to achieve the desired quality and appearance.
sticky notes of fragrance oil and wax formulas on tops of candles with lids
Scent Throw and Longevity

Ensuring that the candles have a pleasant and long-lasting scent can be tricky. Some fragrances may not diffuse well in the wax or may fade quickly after burning. Achieving a perfect balance between the fragrance load and wax type is crucial.

Wax Melting and Pouring

Melting the wax to the right temperature and pouring it evenly into containers without spills or air bubbles can be a challenge. Different waxes have different melting points, and overheating can lead to discoloration or other issues.

Choosing the Right Wick

Selecting the appropriate wick size and material is crucial for a candle's performance. A wick that is too small might lead to tunneling, while one that is too large can cause soot and excessive flame.
jars filled with wicks and some covered with lids with the matte black candle co logo
Frosting and Cracking

Some types of wax are prone to frosting (a white, cloudy appearance) or cracking on the surface after cooling. This can be frustrating for candle makers who want a smooth and professional finish. Because of this, we moved to a more premium wax, a coconut and soy wax blend.
two bags of candle wax, many bottles of fragrance oil next to it and a filled candle in a clear jar
Storage and Curing

Storing finished candles properly is essential to maintain their quality. Candles need time to cure after pouring to improve their fragrance throw and overall performance. Finding adequate space and controlling environmental factors like temperature and humidity can be a challenge. We have found that 7 -10 days of curing is optimal for our candles.

Packaging and Presentation

Once the candles are ready, packaging and presentation are essential for marketing and selling. Designing attractive labels, choosing appropriate containers, and presenting the candles in an eye-catching manner require attention to detail and creativity.

Despite these challenges, candle making can be a very enjoyable and fulfilling hobby or business for those who are willing to learn, experiment, and persevere through the trials and tribulations.

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